Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Speak Positively Wednesday!

Today is all about positive vibes!  I don’t care what is going on in your life, do yourself a favor and only speak positive things.  Don’t let the temporary concerns of today cause you to speak negative situations into your future.  Be careful of the words you speak because once you put them in the atmosphere you give them life. 

So what you had a crazy start to your day, wait, just before you get ready to say or post #WorstDayEver, take a second and breathe.  Say to yourself, yes my day started off crazy, but the rest of the day will get better.  That way you are putting a positive spin on the negative feelings you are having.  

There are too many people out there praying for your demise, never give them leverage by joining them.  When you speak badly about yourself or your situation you make things worse.  Never make the mistake to make negative comments about yourself or your current situation.  You need to be the first person to speak great things into your life.  It may not be what you want it to be today, but take a stance and say it’s going to get better, take the actions to make it get better and watch it get better!

So I challenge you to find just one thing you feel negative about today, and reverse that feeling by posting about it in a positive way below.  Let this be a small exercise that gets you to speak positively about your life so that you can continue it in all areas of your life.

Speak Positively!!!