Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Inspire Wednesday!

Today is Inspire Wednesday!  What inspires you?  Who inspires you?  Who do you inspire?  I want to hear from you, yes you!  Tell me what keeps you going.

How far I have come is what inspires me, this journey of mine has had many twists and turns, but I keep moving.
My family, friends and my kids (kids I mentor) inspire me, seeing their growth makes me so excited.
Well, I hope I’m inspiring YOU!  I hope that something you read here delights you and makes your day a little bit better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Action Day

In addition to sending out posts, I want to establish a way to not only have you read what I write, but I want to read what you write; thus the birth of Action Day.  Every Wednesday will be an action day post in which I would love for you interact with me and make this not just a blog, but a full on inspirational portal.  So make sure you sign up to get the emails so you can stay inspired and hopefully inspire others in your dialogue with me.  

Have a Peacefully Inspired Day!

Monday, September 22, 2014

A dream I never dreamt

"My life experience has taught me nothing happens by chance. Even the idea of the ball in a roulette game: it's not chance it ends up in a certain place. It's forces that are at play."

In life we end up on journeys that we never foresee for ourselves, maybe because we were too afraid to try, maybe this isn't the path we thought we wanted, but more importantly because God saw something that we couldn't see.

Life takes us down different roads that we couldn't prepare for even if we tried, which is why it is so important to pray for wisdom and discernment so that we make decisions that keep us on the path that God has planned, even if we don't understand.  Life places us in situations where we have to make decisions, this is when it is most important that we pray and listen for an answer.  We can't be too quick to act, because one wrong decision could cost us years of misguided time.  What God has planned for our life will always happen, but if we get in His way, we can sometimes delay our blessings.  When God answers follow His direction, He knows what's up ahead.   

I was presented with an opportunity that was everything that I knew I didn't want, it was too far, it wasn't the path I wanted, but I prayed and I had to be obedient to the answer that was given.  Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).  By being obedient and not making my own plan, this opportunity created a path for me to get to a place where I knew my true passion lied.  We never know why God is doing the things He is doing, but we have to have faith and trust that His plan will always better than our own.  

Listen for answers and proceed, they may lead you down a path of a dream you never dreamt.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello Peacefully Inspiring Followers

Hi Old & Hopefully New Friends,

Thank you for taking this new journey with me.  I have decided, well I was asked to get back to writing so here we are!  I haven’t decided the frequency of the posts, but they will be at least monthly.  The posts will be messages that are meant to inspire, uplift and encourage you throughout this journey called life.  I hope that you will stay tuned and respond and let me know how these posts inspire, uplift and encourage you.