Friday, October 31, 2014

HE knows the Plan

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“ Jeremiah 29:11

I like to end my Sunday evening before going to bed with a big prayer.  I pray for my week ahead, for my family, my friends and any other specific things that touch my heart.  While I was praying this week it hit me, I’m praying for my way with total disregard for His way.  As the scripture above reads, He Knows the plan for my life, I may think I know but I have no idea!  Furthermore, what I think is good, may be totally opposite of what He knows.  God is not caught off guard by anything that happens to us.

So it made me take a step back and say, if He knows the plan, why not just tap into Him and hear His plan and act accordingly.  Because again, He already knows, we’re just sitting back taking guesses and that does us no good.  He knows what’s ahead for us and is waiting for us to submit to His will.  I think sometimes we get so busy telling God what our plans are that we forget He already knows the end of our story and if we would just listen to Him; we too will know and things will work out in our favor. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trust Wednesday

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”

What are you trusting God for today?  That’s really an easy answer because you should trust Him for EVERYTHING!!!    He is the most dependable person in your life and the only person who will never fail you!

Today I’m trusting God for patience, peace and sleep recovery on Saturday.  It’s been a busy week and it’s only Wednesday, but my world always seems to be changing in some capacity, so if I can get those three, I can make it one more day.

I want this to be engaging, so comment back and let me know what you’re trusting God for.  I leave you with saying this, whatever you trust Him with, He will provide according to His will, just believe!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Enjoying the Moment

Life happens so fast and we miss the fun parts. Relationships change, people change, locations change, but when you wholeheartedly enjoy the moments while you're in them, when you look back you can smile at what was and move forward to what is.

Last night my night was spent between hanging with my sister and niece and with two of my friends.  One day when I’m older and life has changed these are the moments I will sit back and smile at.  The moments when I am free and able to make a change at the drop of a dime.  The moments of watching my niece grow and listen to her tell me about her day.  The moments of watching TV with my sister and chatting about it and last but not least the laughs that are shared with my friends.  These are all relationships that have had their share of craziness, but I wouldn’t change any of them.  I want to have a life that I live, not just exist in.  I live my life by going through every encounter and growing from it and becoming better.  Every moment in life is not good, but let me tell you, you can be down for as long as you want, but at some point, you better and you will get up!  My life is a living testament of that!

So do your best to live in and enjoy every moment.  When life changes and people are gone, memories will be all you have.  Learn to feel the moments and enjoy them daily!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Remember When Wednesday

Let's call today Remember When Wednesday.  Remember when you smiled, when you were happy, when you were sad but still pushed through.  Remember every step of your journey, because all those moments have prepared you for this exact place you are in life.

Yesterday before my day started I took some time and looked at pictures from over the last 2-3 years.  It was great to see every picture and remember every feeling and to be reminded of moments I had forgotten.  It was great to see me dressed up, smiling, even through the rough times.  Looking at some pictures knowing the situations were nothing like they looked.  Sometimes we need to be reminded of the good and the bad times so that we can prepare for the next journey ahead.

So take some time today and look through old pictures and remember when, then tell me what you find.  I hope you find love, I hope you find peace but most importunately I hope you find a spark that lights your path for the rest of your journey.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Trust in God’s Plan, Even in His Timing

As a young girl growing up in church I was always taught about having faith and how it only needs to be the size of a mustard seed.  And that if you trust in God everything will work out.  But what happens when you have that small amount of faith but nothing is happening.  You’re praying, you’re fasting, you even started volunteering but still nothing is happening.  You may feel as if God has forgotten about you.  I surely have been there; it can become a thin line between doubting God and just thinking He’s given up on you.  Well one thing you can count on is that He definitely doesn’t give up on us!  He may be the only person that won’t ever give up on us.

There is a quote that says God answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No and Not Yet.  Of course we only want to hear Yes, but we need to hear no and not yet for several reasons.  We need to hear No to appreciate every time we heard Yes.  We need to hear No because Yes has something ahead we are not prepared for.  We need to hear Not Yet to prepare us for when Yes becomes the answer.  It can become very hard to wait on the Yes, but it will be worth it!  The true faith is in trusting God’s plan for our lives, but more importantly trusting Him for His timing.  We have free will in the actions we make, but God will always have the last say in the end result.  So trust God and His timing, it will always work out for the best!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Be Still Wednesday!

Be Still Wednesday!  Sometimes we just need to sit down, be still, wait and watch God work.  These last two days work days have been quite chaotic and they shown me the benefit of just being still.  Be still, don't react, don't respond, just wait, it will change and it will work out.  So what do you need to Be Still about or be quiet about?

This week I have had to Be Still about verbally reacting.  So quickly we can let emotions take us over and go off into the deep.  So I’m being still, being quiet and watching things work out in my favor.  I hope you're doing the same, if so, tell me about it.  Even if you're not, tell me what you need to Be Still about.  Have a great day!

Friday, October 3, 2014

He Will Go Before You!

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Even when we are unsure of which way to go, or what is happening ahead of us in the future, God is always there.  In every situation in our life, God has already worked it out before we have even gotten to that part of our life.  If we would only trust His word, we would stress less and lose less nights of sleep.

 Praying to God and being faithful has its benefits.  If there are things in life we are seeking, we need seek God for them because He is the one who is able to bring them into fruition.  If we pray and we trust and have faith, then we can count on Him to work things out in our favor.  Blessings will happen that we never even saw coming, and will take little work from us to get them.  How awesome would it be to pray about situations, trust God and sit back and just watch them happen.  It's possible, but it depends on us to make them happen, it depends on our faith and our willingness to seek Him for our wants and needs.  God is always with us, even if it doesn't feel like it, and He is always working things out for our favor.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Celebrate Wednesday!

Many times we believe that we need something major to happen for us to have a reason to celebrate, but that's not true.  Every morning that we wake up is a reason to celebrate.  It means that whatever didn't happen on yesterday, it’s a new day and a new chance for it to happen today.  Celebrate seeing those you love, celebrate having food to eat, celebrate your job, even if you hate it, because it's providing income for you to get what you need and propelling you to what lies ahead. 

Today I celebrate new opportunities, family that I love dearly, friends who became family and this life of mine, it's been nowhere near perfect, but it's what God gave me so I'm going to do my best to enjoy every minute of it!

Now it's your turn...what are you celebrating today?  What has happened that lets you realize just how blessed you truly are?  Share, I want to hear and it might bless someone else's life and remind them of the blessings they forgot.  I look forward to hearing from you.